Boosting Your Immune System

As we continue to live in these challenging times, one thing continues to be true — along with staying home, washing your hands, not touching your face, getting some exercise and staying as peaceful as possible — boosting your immune system can also go a very long...

Every month I will offer you information on wellness as well as products and how to use them in your daily life. 

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Boosting Your Immune System

Boosting Your Immune System

As we continue to live in these challenging times, one thing continues to be true — along with staying home, washing your hands, not touching your face, getting some exercise and staying as peaceful as possible — boosting your immune system can also go a very long...

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Why We Need Essential Fatty Acids

Why We Need Essential Fatty Acids

Consuming adequate and balanced amounts of the right fats – omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids – is critical to good health.  Essential means the body cannot produce them and has to take them in from outside sources – either through food or supplements. What do...

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Curcumin and Fluoride Toxicity

Curcumin and Fluoride Toxicity

It’s no secret that fluoride is a very dangerous chemical and unfortunately it’s found everywhere today, from antibiotics to drinking water, non-stick cooking pans to toothpaste, making exposure inevitable. Various cancers, reproductive problems, cardiovascular, and...

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