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Designs for Health is the #1 rated healthcare practitioner brand based on consumer satisfaction.  DFH is unmatched in its ability to develop some of the most highly effective synergistic formulations in the world of functional medicine.

Use discount code HEALTHY15 for 15% off (Enter practitioner code QUEST4HEALTH first)

We believe in UltraWater Solutions vision that hydration must take its place alongside nutrition as a foundation of holistic health, wellness and anti-aging medicine. We too are passionate about water, health, and excited to share their wonderful life-changing products.

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We consider Emerson Ecologics to be the ultimate online source for all the health and wellness brands you love in one place. There you will find nutritional supplements, herbs, aromatherapy, homeopathy, therapeutic topicals, lab tests and medical supplies, personal care, and healthy living items including foods, bath and body care, household essentials, animal health products, and more!  Get 10% off all products through our Wellevate link. (no coupon needed)

Please note, we are affiliates for the links above and we may receive a small commission. We only recommend what we use and we appreciate you using the link, to support our efforts to continue to reach more people with our low-cost offerings.