Meet Walter and Miriam
Meet Walter
Walter Zernis has been a Licensed Massage Therapist/Nutritional Consultant for 40+ years. He spent 12 years working as a Functional Medicine Consultant with Designs for Health, educating allopathic medical and functional medicine doctors as well as licensed practitioners on over 300 formulas and the latest science-based protocols for the most common health conditions of the day. He is currently a free-lance consultant in all areas of health and wellness.
His mission is to help as many people as possible achieve optimal physical, emotional and spiritual health.
Meet Miriam
Miriam Zernis is a multi-dimensional health and wellness practitioner. She has been an experienced Hatha Yoga, meditation, and classical yoga philosophy teacher for over 20 years.
She is also a certified Health Coach, Reiki Master, and sacred music artist/founder of Sita’s Light – a devotional music group that has been traveling throughout NY, CT, Canada and Europe offering chanting and sacred music events since 2007.
In 2006, she traded in her high-pressure career as an ABC News Writer/Senior Editor after 21 years, and now also uses her skills as a freelance health and wellness writer and editor.