Curcumin and Fluoride Toxicity


It’s no secret that fluoride is a very dangerous chemical and unfortunately it’s found everywhere today, from antibiotics to drinking water, non-stick cooking pans to toothpaste, making exposure inevitable. Various cancers, reproductive problems, cardiovascular, and neurological diseases have all been attributed in to fluoride toxicity. All the more reason why new research proving curcumin, a common spice can prevent fluoride damage is so promising!

The study was authored by researchers in India, who have spent the past decade investigating the mechanisms through which fluoride induces severe neurodegenerative changes in the mammalian brain, particularly in cells of the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. They also say their research reveals the curcumin spice-derived protective agent against the various health effects associated with fluoride toxicity.

The study focused on fluoride induced neurotoxicity, identifying excitoxicity (stimulation of the neuron to the point of death) and oxidative stress as the two main drivers of neurodegeneration. It has been observed that subjects with the condition known as fluorosis, a mottling of tooth enamel caused by excessive exposure to fluoride during tooth development, also have neurodegenerative changes associated with a form of oxidative stress known as lipid peroxidation (rancidity). Excess lipid peroxidation in the brain can lead to a decrease in total brain phospholipid content. Owing to these well-known mechanisms of fluoride associated neurotoxicity and neurodegeneration; the researchers identified the primary polyphenol in the spice turmeric — known as curcumin – as an ideal agent worth testing as a neuroprotective substance. Previous research on curcumin indicates that it is capable of activating as an antioxidant in 3 distinct ways by protecting against: 1) singlet oxygen 2) hyrodxyl radicals and 3) superoxide radical damage. Also, curcumin appears to raise endogenous glutathione production in the brain, a major antioxidant defense system.

Curcumin has more benefits than almost any other natural compound, but it’s important to have a standardized product with the 3 curcuminoids in 95% extraction. This is found in Designs for Health’s C3 Curcumin Complex with lecithin to aid as a delivery system.