Boosting Your Immune System


As we continue to live in these challenging times, one thing continues to be true — along with staying home, washing your hands, not touching your face, getting some exercise and staying as peaceful as possible — boosting your immune system can also go a very long way.

How Designs for Health Can Help

DFH has created three powerful immune protocols with cutting edge supplements. These include:

The Mighty Three

Immunitone Plus

Vitamin C – in liposomal and capsule forms

Zinc Supreme

Plus —

MycoPure Protein – featuring “ImmunAssist” — a blend of medicinal mushrooms that offer robust immune support.  Both flavors (chocolate and golden milk) taste great and are IN STOCK.

COVID-19 Research

Chinese doctors say IV Vitamin C was extremely effective in treating affected and infected patients.  Dose of 100-200 mg/kg body weight was given for 3 days in a row.  This equals to about 7.5 – 15 grams for a 75 kg person.

They also recommend liposomal Vitamin C for prevention at least 1 gram bid. (1)

COVID-19 can survive up to 72 hours on mucous membranes. Silvercillin Spray can be sprayed up into nose and into mouth and throat to help disinfect those membranes. It can also be used as a disinfectant for hands.

Andrographis Paniculata (found in Immunitone Plus) helps reduce the cytokine storm and restrain virus replication and virus-induced pathogenesis providing symptomatic relief of acute respiratory tract infections in adults and children. (2)

Melatonin can also be used to calm down the cytokine storm. (3)

Artemisia Annua (found in GI Microb-X) shows antiviral activity against SARS-associated coronavirus. (4)

Rosemary was also effective against SARS COV2. It is included in a few DFH products, including Inflammatone and Ultimate Antiox Full Spectrum.

Immune Boosting Foods

Also important — making sure you are eating healthier than ever these days.

We recommend a foundational dietary plan that emphasizes micronutrients essential to optimal immune system function including:

  • Zinc – seafood, pumpkin seed, sea vegetables, and beans, lentils and legumes
  • Vitamin D – salmon, fatty fish, egg yolks, cheese (if tolerable), mushrooms
  • Vitamin C – oranges, papayas, strawberries, kiwi, organic leafy green vegetables (spinach, bok choy, kale), broccoli, bell peppers
  • Vitamin A – liver, cod liver oil, mackerel, salmon; beta-carotene: sweet potato, winter squash, kale, collards, carrots
  • Fresh garlic – crush garlic and wait up to 60 seconds to enhance formation of allicin before ingesting.


  • Maintain adequate hydration
  • Reduce dietary sugar & alcohol intake
  • Optimize omega-3 fatty acids – they reduce inflammation
  • Higher protein intake may be warranted, and can be achieved by supplementing with high-quality protein powders. Whey protein supplementation has been shown to increase glutathione levels, further supporting immune and antioxidant protection.

We are here to help. Please reach out.

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  1. https://www.globalreseca/three-intravenous-vitamin-c-research-studies-approved-treating-covid-19/5705405